Curtis Pangrass

Curtis Pangrass

a.k.a. Cobra

Age: 30

Home Town: Edmonton, AB

Favorite Trick: 360 Layed Out Backflip

Rider Style: Energentic


  • Set record for most Flyboards on a Canadian body of water with Team CanFly, Alberta Flyboard and Canadian Jetpack Adventures, on Sept 24, 2015
  • Named trick: The Cobra strike


Curtis Pangrass started flyboarding in the summer of 2015 while instructing for Alberta Flyboard. He picked the sport up quickly, having previous freestyle snowboard and downhill longboard racing experience.

Extreme sports are his passion; progression and learning new tricks are what keeps him motivated. Curtis has a very easy going personality, but that changes as soon as he’s attached to a board. Watch out for Curtis at the 2015 X-dubai Flyboard World Cup!